St Oswald’s Hospice
St Oswald’s Hospice, based in Gosforth, provides specialist care for adults, young people, children and babies from across the North East.

Local adults benefit from a wide range of services, including day care, outpatient clinics, an inpatient unit and community outreach. While the Hospice provide end-of-life care, a large part of what they do involves pain and symptom management – so that patients can continue to enjoy quality of life, for as long as they live. The Children and Young Adults Service provides short breaks to young people with progressive, life shortening conditions. Their purpose-built facility includes a sensory room, play and music therapy rooms so that children and young people are able to do ‘normal’ everyday things.
Their expert team includes doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplaincy, bereavement support workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and complementary therapists. St Oswald’s is a self-financing, voluntary organisation. With annual running costs of more than £12 million, they rely heavily on support from the community. The Hospice makes no charge for their services – ensuring care is available to everyone who needs it.

To find out how your organisation can help support the vital work of St Oswald’s Hospice in the north east community, contact: Laura Barrett on 0191 2850063 for more details.